The coffin maker

The carpenter

Bending the side and securing it

Nailing on the ornamental trim

Selecting a lid

Varnishing the coffin

Putting the finished coffin into store


The stonemasons

The Mortuary

The Mortician

The hair washing equipment

Preparing the coffin

Placing the shroud over the body

Closing the coffin with wooden pegs

A Lockdown funeral

Saying goodbye

The gravediggers

Entering the graveyard

Social distancing

The choir of two people

The final journey

Into the ground

Last glimpse of daylight

Farewell my love

Saying goodbye to Great Grandad

...and all that remains back home

The Cremation Process

In front of the curtain

Behind the curtain

Lighting the furnace

Pushing the coffin into the furnace


Removing metal such as pacemakers, replacement hips and nails

Pouring the ashes into the Cremulator

The remains


Parting company

This is such a painful set of pictures that I am unable to show them at the moment and maybe they will not be seen for many years into the future. They tell the story of the final weeks my mum spent on this earth. Every time I see the pictures I find I am being taken back to that sad period from when mum went into hospital, attempts to get her home, the arguments with hospital staff because she was not being cared for properly to the day I received the call saying she had gone and then the mortuary and the funeral. I documented many of these moments. I have no idea why. Maybe it was to come to terms with our parting.

Clearing Mum's House

Sorting stuff to keep

The House Clearers

It's just a job for them

A lifetime of things

House clearing is basically

taking it all to the dump


Dismantling and dumping

Mum's reclining chair

Echoes of my past

Some keepsakes to remind us

After the 5 hour drive

back to our house

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